Wednesday, January 27, 2010
GAME Plan Evaluation
What have I learned so far? Well, I just went to a meeting today that voted in plannning days for next year. This means that we get out at 1:30 twice a month. The time is going to be used for planning and teacher training, including technology. The goal was to have a new technology taught each month, and with planning days it is possible. The goal to have all 6th grade students take computer class is not doing well. However, I was told of a possible schedule change, which would allow all students to take a technolgy elective, by adding another class to teachers. This would have to be voted on, but the times and possible 'kinks" were discussed with colleagues. I have met with the principal and discussed the district technology plan to implement 21st century skills into the classroom. When I first read the tech plan I was impressed that I understood the plan. I have learned a lot in these classes, and seeing the plan and explaining to the principal the tech plan was proof of how much I have learned. The plan does not have a time line as far as when this should be implemented, but it is a start. I do not have time or the resources to currently check into grants. I will need to table finding the grants until I have in place 6th grade training, and teacher training. It is a catch tweny two. Without new and improved technology, you cannot teach new and improved things.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tools Needed For GAME Plan
Before I start my posting about my needed tools you are probably wondering what the picture represents. Well, I could say that it shows the necessity to have the proper tools to be successful or I could tell the truth and wanted to see how to post a picture.
What have I done about my GAME plan thus far. I have talked with the principal about having all students take computers next year and have requested we discuss this at our meetings. Unfortunately, the staff is focusing on two glaring problems or problems that the teachers have deemed important, which are planning days for next year and action teams. Technolgy is not priority.
In order to carry out my GAME plan, I will need to do some research on the importance of technology in the classroom. Have statistics of the benefits of using technology. My school needs to have all students learning and using technology, but our music programs schedule does not allow all student to take computers. Specific examples of how technology directly benefits the students will be needed to present to the administration and staff. Samples of 21st century skills will be needed for the presentation. Possibly share a skill or specific technology tool each month to show case how it benefits students would help the teachers obtain information in pieces instead of one chunk of information.
The district has a 21st century plan on the web site, but the principal and other teachers that I have spoke to have never heard of the plan. This will need to be studied and presented to the staff. The plan shows the importance of technology in the classroom, which should be used now, not later.
I will need to find out about possible grants that can be used to get some technology onto our campus. Our computer teacher uses 15 year old computers, which does not allow him to use up-to-date programs.
Our campus does have some experts about technology, so it is important that I talk with them to create a sense of importance and to get some needed help. It is so much easier and efficient to collaborate with your colleagues. This creates a united front.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The ISTE created the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•T)
and Performance Indicators for Teachers. After reviewing the standards I realized I am not an expert at any of them. I feel most comfortable or knowledgeable with the first standard Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. I have found some ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, but a lot more is needed. The first standard I chose deals with a glaring issue on my campus. Lack of technology. I felt that focusing on how to expand and bring the community together was the most important standard (5b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others) In order to make change on my campus, it is important to share a vision with staff members and the community. Knowledge is power. Just today I had a conversation with another teacher that attempted to use the computer lab, but several computers were broken. The focus on campus needs to be technology, which will allow 21st century skills to be taught in school. What action should be taken? We have staff meetings which could be used to discuss technology. The master schedule is the first item to tackle. At my school our full time music program does not allow all students to participate in computers. This needs to be changed. I need to do some research on possible schedules to use, so that all students have computer class. I would also need to evaluate the research and see if additional information is needed to find a schedule that works.
Another standard that I would like to improve is 3c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. I already use School Loop as a form of communication, but I would like to announce a "town meeting" to come up with ways to bring technology to our school. There are web cams, video links and many more things that can be used to communicate digitally. This is a long term goal that cannot be started until my school decides to put priority on technology. Honestly, this year is the most difficult financially, that I have ever seen in 14 years, ,and next year in suppose to be even worse with more budget cuts. This entire school year we have focused on trying to find equability on our campus. (adjunct duty, discipline, and planning days) Technology is not the focus.
and Performance Indicators for Teachers. After reviewing the standards I realized I am not an expert at any of them. I feel most comfortable or knowledgeable with the first standard Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. I have found some ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, but a lot more is needed. The first standard I chose deals with a glaring issue on my campus. Lack of technology. I felt that focusing on how to expand and bring the community together was the most important standard (5b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others) In order to make change on my campus, it is important to share a vision with staff members and the community. Knowledge is power. Just today I had a conversation with another teacher that attempted to use the computer lab, but several computers were broken. The focus on campus needs to be technology, which will allow 21st century skills to be taught in school. What action should be taken? We have staff meetings which could be used to discuss technology. The master schedule is the first item to tackle. At my school our full time music program does not allow all students to participate in computers. This needs to be changed. I need to do some research on possible schedules to use, so that all students have computer class. I would also need to evaluate the research and see if additional information is needed to find a schedule that works.
Another standard that I would like to improve is 3c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. I already use School Loop as a form of communication, but I would like to announce a "town meeting" to come up with ways to bring technology to our school. There are web cams, video links and many more things that can be used to communicate digitally. This is a long term goal that cannot be started until my school decides to put priority on technology. Honestly, this year is the most difficult financially, that I have ever seen in 14 years, ,and next year in suppose to be even worse with more budget cuts. This entire school year we have focused on trying to find equability on our campus. (adjunct duty, discipline, and planning days) Technology is not the focus.
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