Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reflection 6714

The Differentiated Station Social Network allowed me to find some web sites that I will be able to use in the future. The web sites will allow me to use UDL and DI in the classroom. A wealth of resources are available. I really like Differentiated Instruction since I already use this in the classroom and combined with technology it will be an even better source. Testing/assessments will have immediate changes. I need to utilize technology for assessments to allow each student to flourish.
I have already signed up for the computer lab an additional three times this year and I will sign up at the beginning of next year every 4-6 weeks. Differentiated Instruction supports 21st century learning. Blogs, web quest, wiki, voice threads, email experts or other students.
My real focus, which will be time consuming is to allow email access at our site. I would love to have my students email other students or work on a 21st century project. I need to do some research and work in order to allow this to come to life.
I enjoyed this class, especially with something that was familiar, which is DI and something I am learning, which is technology. This is a great combination.