Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 7 GAME Plan Reflection

Creating a GAME Plan and taking action to complete the NET-S goal is beneficial for myself as a teacher, but the students benefits greatly as well. 21st century skills are expected and needed for students to succeed in the current and future job world. The NETS-S focus on critical thinking skills, creating original work, collaborating with peers, and proficiency with technology. My GAME Plan focuses on inspiring the school to embrace technology. Teach the staff about the importance of technology. This goal is the first step to having technology in the forefront of our school and hopefully district. With the GAME plan the students will learn Goals, how to take Action, Continue to monitor progress, and Evaluate the work. The GAME plan allows teachers and students to have a common focus to allow higher level teaching to occur. Reflection is a necessary skill to succeed. The GAME plan is a great reflective tool. Technology is a great tool, but the students need to be taught how to critically think, which is how the GAME plan helps NETS-S standards.


  1. Just a thought, but one of the things we do as a staff is show some technology that is being used in the classroom, one teacher at a time, during a staff meeting. So let's say this month it is your turn. You show how you are using a blog with your students and the important points of that blog. Make sure you are emphasising the guidelines set forth by your district. For me, I'd be showing a Ning and the privacy settings necessary to set it up and then a couple of Nings that my classes are using. It takes less than 5 minutes and teachers who are interested and need more information come to the presenting teacher if they have questions. The next meeting it's another teacher with another type of technology. It has gotten the ball rolling with some teachers who don't embrace technology. Computers are now used for more than research papers and remediation.

  2. It is great that you want to be the one to start fostering the need for technology in your school. Too many schools put technology on the back burner as more and more financial demands are being put onto school districts. Hopefully you will be able to create lessons that are thought provoking and engaging that will cause other teachers to become interested in the technology as well. If you don't already have one starting a technology committee to generate ideas on how to fund technology may be beneficial to you district as well.

  3. Cathy -

    I think Cindy's idea of modeling the blog for your staff and admin is a great idea. I know I stopped "asking for premission" a few years back and instead showing off my students great success. My admin for the most part has been very pleased and I have only gotten my hand slapped once in 3 years of various exploration ideas. Sometimes admin is afraid of things that they don't even know about and its is our job to show them that it will all work out but we have to show them by example.

    Now this year, my team has been tagged as the "technology specialists" and we are being sent to a 4 day technology in education conference. I got to go the conference for 1 day last year at my expense. This year I am extra excited to get 4 days at the schools expense.

    Keep up the great push - Nicole

  4. I wish you the best of luck in getting staff to cooperate since we know how difficult that can be. I am sure your technology coordinator will be happy to have another person onboard who understands where we need to be heading as we prepare 21st century students for the workfield. Your students will appreciate the hard work you put into it to make it more interesting for them.

  5. I think the key word that you used was "focus". Although we all are consistently learning new things and being steered by the demands of our work, we get so much more when we just take a moment to focus.

    As education is constantly moving to a more collaborative approach, it is also forcing us to be more independent so that we have the tools to collaborate since so much collaboration requires technology.
