Sunday, December 27, 2009

Describe the most striking revelation you had about the teaching of new literacy skills to your students as a result of this course.
This course has been a real eye opener for me. I really wish that I took this course first. I have learned a lot of valuable information to use in the classroom. I was not formerly taught to use the internet and relied on my prior reading skills to help me along. This is not acceptable for students or even teachers. The literacy skills will allow the students to utilize the the 21st century skills and decipher reliable and non reliable sources. The literacy skills allow the students to think and solve problems, while using the internet sources

Describe how the knowledge and experience gained in this course will influence your teaching practices going forward.
I am going to start teaching ancient Greece in January and plan to have a research project on Greece. I will use the the literacy skills taught from this course and from the unit that I created based on the literacy skills.

Identify at least one professional development goal you would like to pursue that builds upon your learning in this course and develops your own information literacy or technology skills. Describe the steps you will take to accomplish this goal
I have found that the students have not been taught how to properly use the internet as a source, just as, many teachers, including myself have not been properly taught. The amount of time to teach the students concerns me a lot. There is a lot of content that must be taught and although many of the literacy skills partner up with the California Content Standards, they are extremely time consuming. My ultimate goal is to have the entire staff teaching these literacy skills. I am starting to work with our computer teacher and principal and other staff members to incorporate the skills into the computer classes. Unfortunately, the computer teacher has archaic computers and not all students take computer classes. In order to have the entire staff use the literacy skills teacher inservices or training must occur. Our district computer tech could teach the staff. 21st century skills must be taught and the literacy skills give the students the necessary tools to be successful.

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